
02 February, 2007

it's my night off


It's my night off today and tomorrow. I am happy enough since I feel ill today and I don't want have a sick leave as much as possible. But then, I stayed still at the office after the shift. As I am blogging right now I just had one email reply for a customer and build my temporary site.

And, oh! let me post some of the pictures we just had with Maggie and Jean when we went for an hour break from work.

maggie and me at Rai-Rai Ken, ground floor of i2 park building

pose for a self-pix to myself

maggie and me, once again

that's jean and me.
are you that hip to be one of us?


Sawbones said...

Unsa mana Obs? mura lage kag laki ngara?? nyahahaha..

regards lang ko ana niya partz! Hi maggie.. weeee

Athan said...

sympre! ;)