
29 December, 2006

year ending post, still blogging next year!

i started my blog as if i wanted to post using cebuano dialect. i thought it would be easy for me to express using my own dialect.. it let me realized when someone read about my blog and suggested to let me post in a medium of expression that majority can understand. so, i did it!

my blog is basically about my personal life. it's about pain, happiness, love, work, family and other things that i just wanted to post. it makes feel better posting it here most especially if it aches my heart. but, it let me feel good after i shout it in the net by posting it.

within this year, my blog somehow had been a diary of my life about my work, gigs, and destinations i went. i've posted how i felt for someone, how i felt about work, about friendship, about what happenings at home and others..

i had created other blogs specifically for certain topics and posted it there, but that wasn't working. i mean, it lost my interest with those after awhile. unlike with this blog, i am able to update though sometimes it makes me lazy to post my thoughts.

i hope to share more of me the next year. this serves as my personal news about myself, to let my friends know, that even we never that often see each other, they may remember to check my blog to know that i might be needing there hugs and kisses now! lol!

Belated Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year everyone!